Name: test 2015 address: 1005 gold city state zip: phoenix az 89169 Date Posted: 01/14/15 03:32:18 IST Message: this is a test Name: Alice Koechling '65 address: 34891 N Tombstone St city state zip: San Tan Valley, AZ 85140 Date Posted: 12/14/13 22:08:23 EST Message: I hadn't known this site was here and only now thought to look. I graduated from Judson in '65 and attended from '60 - '65. I have been trying to find my roommate, Darlene Vinyard for almost 40 yrs, but have never had any luck at that after we lost touch. I do not see anyone I knew on this site, but who knows, an old friend may happen on this as I did. Name: barbara Hansen update transcript address: 9267 e. Hillery way city state zip: Scottsdale, az. 85260 Date Posted: 07/07/12 22:45:08 EDT Message:
Name: Barbara Hansen email: address: 9267 E Hillery Way city state zip: Scottsdale Date revised see above Message: To get a transcript of your time at Judson or for any transcript related thing write, email or call: Barbara Hansen BH Data Services 9267 E. Hillery Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-201-2484 The fee for researching transcripts and processing and mailing is $15 per request. This includes an Official copy in a sealed envelope, either mailed direct to the college, school or university, or to the individual requesting it, as well as an unofficial copy to that person so they may have one for their personal record. Name: Clarke Lindsley 1960 address: 423 Wanda Drive city state zip: Irving, TX 75060-2407 Date Posted: 02/11/11 08:11:42 CST Message: Sorry I missed all the reunions, but I didn't know about them or your web site. Now that I do, here's a little catch up ...
And at my age (69) we could use a little reminding ... or maybe not, 'cause we all know it all, right? So, let's test your memory ...
1960 Judson class president, dumb blond, played rock 'n roll drums in the school band (we were really bad), constantly got hauled into Mr. Wick's office, resided in Mr. Dana Russell's dorm, hung out with Carol Anderson, Marsha Salter, Mike Burrows, Paul Groesse, etc. ... give up?
Okay, maybe a visual will jog your memory neurons. Go to, click on Motion Picture Program, then click on Faculty. (Don't age too well, do we?)
Quickly, left Judson, flunked my way through 2 1/2 years at Wichita State University majoring in girls and beer, wound up as a professional sports car driver, fellow racers Paul Newman & James Garner convinced me to be James Garner's stunt double (driving, etc.) on Rockford Files, moved out of stunts to producing (for Bill Cosby for 3 1/2 years) and directing (film & TV), got married three times, produced 2 terrific daughters (1 in Florida; 1 on a mountain top in Tasmania), 6 rambunctious grand kids, and let the 1994 Northridge, California earthquake chase me and my lady (current and forever wife) to Dallas.
Heard from any of our Judson alumni? Found Paul Groesse running a bed & breakfast up in Oregon, heard Marsha Salter conducting an interview on national radio a few years ago, but that's it. How's about you? Let me know.
Clarke Lindsley Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass ... it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Name: douglas michelson address: holiday greeting city state zip: from the gang here Date Posted: 12/30/10 12:28:32 CST Message: dear Judsonite, Have you visited your site We have been keeping things together during the long winter nights. We are looking forward to a little activity around next summer. Write us and let us know what you are doing. Better yet go to other stuff and put it in the book for others to read also.
Happy Holidays and Happy New year to you all.
from the gang here at Name: Michelle Le Fevre 1981 address: 476 Itasca Street city state zip: Wood Dale, IL 60191 Date Posted: 04/11/10 13:08:10 CDT Message: I loved my time at Judson,we were so lucky to experience this school. Please feel free to Facebook me at My music and history bio are located at
It is great finding this site and all of you. Name: Stephanie Faulkenbury-White Class of 1980 address: 7088 Indian Head city state zip: Las Vegas Nv 89179 Date Posted: 02/18/10 23:24:02 CST Message: Looking for lost friends from the Classes 1979 and 1980. I have lived all over the world, three great sons. And I am trouble at relationships, but I have loved my life so far. My phone 702-498-2317 Name: Steve McRae class of 80 (71-80) address: missing city state zip: San Diego, Ca Date Posted: 02/08/10 22:34:25 CST Message: seeking contact with Wendy Stobbs or her relatives, Jim Wick, Cindi Weldon, Rick Dennis, Dan Black, Hank Wick, Cort Milum Hiroya Yanagi, Hiroki Nogami, Steve Mills, the Bridgewaters, ruth and Rex Young, Bladi, Ken Furtado, or anyone that wants to say hi. Thanks, Steve Name: 1976 address: 10340 Shady Pine Drive city state zip: Ocean Springs, MS 39565 Date Posted: 06/13/09 10:17:29 CDT Message: Graduated May 1976 as Marlene (Marsy) Sommer. It is so sad that after all these wonderful years and fond memories for all, that Judson has closed. What a terrible lost for our children and children's children. After losing everything due to Katrina, can someone tell me how to get my school transcripts so I can go back to college? Please email me at Name: Leslie Ellis - attended 1971-72 address: 3815 Round Meadow Ln. city state zip: Hatboro, PA 19040 Date Posted: 05/11/09 16:28:38 CDT Message: Great web site, it was really cool seeing pictures of folks I remember.
This was me back then:
I hope that if you're an old friend you'll contact me. :-) Name: Jenifer Strozier attended 79-80 & jan-may 82 address: 1810 Fox Downs Lane city state zip: Oilville Date Posted: 01/12/09 13:06:40 CST Message: I was in the class of 84 but only attended in 79-80 for 8th grade and the last half of 10th grade; jan-may 82. My brother mike strozier graduated in 1981. Name: Jenifer Strozier attended 79-80 & jan-may 82 address: 1810 Fox Downs Lane city state zip: Oilville Date Posted: 01/12/09 13:06:36 CST Message: I was in the class of 84 but only attended in 79-80 for 8th grade and the last half of 10th grade; jan-may 82. My brother mike strozier graduated in 1981. Name: Jenifer Strozier : 1984 address: 1810 fox downs lane city state zip: Oilville, VA 23129 Date Posted: 01/12/09 10:20:41 CST Message: Name: (would have) 1991 address: 7600 S. Rainbow Blvd #2152 city state zip: Las Vegas, NV 89139 Date Posted: 01/02/09 01:43:27 CST Message: WOW...i have MANY fond memories. I attended 86-87. 7th and 8th grade. PDA, the smoking corral..ultimate frisbee..the hot pepper eating contest. Gina Langley was a favorite teacher, Nacy Winship, Mr Luks, the middle school staff was very kind to me. I had Lisa Koons for a roomate when I lived in Peppertree. I think I lived in Palo Verde dorms as well. I lived at the Rec and always stole apples from the cafeteria to feed to my favorite horse, Sirocco. LOL I wish I could've stayed. Unfortunately, the death of my father forced me to move to Las Vegas. I have since married, have two children and am a professional makeup artist and hairdresser. You can find me on facebook and myspace. Name: Jason Boone 1993 address: 132 Medicine Rock city state zip: Universal City, TX 78148 Date Posted: 12/15/08 21:14:39 CST Message: Name: Wendy Curtis (Wheeler): 1993 address: 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 4100 city state zip: Dallas, Texas 75201 Date Posted: 11/03/08 10:10:57 CST Message: Hey Everyone,
I only went to Judson for a year but had a great time. I live in Dallas now where I grew up and I practice law at Akin Gump Struass Hauer & Feld, LLP. ( I am married and we have two kids. My husband is a Dallas police officer and we have been married for 12 years. We recently visited Scottsdale and it brought back a ton of memories. I would love to hear from some of you. I hate that I missed the reunion in June but did not know about it.
- Wendy Curtis (Wheeler) Name: Machiko Taguchi 1994 address: 8-6-401 Momochi Sawara-ku city state zip: Fukuoka city Japan 811-0006 Date Posted: 10/07/08 07:11:41 PDT Message: Hello. Does anyone remembers me? From next year I'm going to Sandiego for a year. Name: cary gamble address: 18436 44th place city state zip: phoenix,arizona 85032 Date Posted: 09/22/08 13:14:36 PDT Message: I just stumbled on this site, but as i was going thru it i noticed that i could'nt find anybody from my time 66"67"68" I miss henry i lived with him my last year there cause the dorm masters were such panseys.I still have round holes on my butt from david wicks paddle but at least it got me off campus.Married 26 yrs to a teacher(go figure)3 girls(purelove)retired..little space so much to say, anyone out there who went to judson with me...i live two miles from the old site, don't drive by anymore,too many ghosts....had a car dealership in oregon and ran into the tupper bros and sisters,(they were the native americans who showed me about fire water.)ran into ron turnbull in corpus christi texas. I hear from mark field all the time we grew up together in menlo park calif. In fact i turned him on to judson,which he has never forgiven me for doing.Lots of feelings coming up, need to go for now to give this more thought. love to all..cary Name: chuck young 1969 address: 2721 Arrowwood Drive city state zip: Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 Date Posted: 07/17/08 16:18:29 PDT Message: The Judson family/students are what make the experience of attending this intiment desert setting the Ultimate moments of ones life. And we are all so thankful for the man and his gracious wife allowing and loving us through these moments. Judson is not heaven, but is close to what will be! I would love to hear from all of you 952-451-3785. Love You......... Name: chuck young 1969 address: 2721 Arrowwood Drive city state zip: Alexandria, Minnesota 56308 Date Posted: 07/17/08 16:16:39 PDT Message: The Judson family/students are what make the experience of attending this intiment desert setting the Ultimate moments of ones life. And we are all so thankful for the man and his gracious wife allowing and loving us through these moments. Judson is not heaven, but is close to what will be! I would love to hear from all of you 952-451-385. Love You......... Name: Stacey Perez Byram (would have been 1991) address: 14511 Carolcrest city state zip: Houston,TX 77079 Date Posted: 07/14/08 10:57:32 PDT Message: I attended Judson in 89. I went back home to El Paso, graduated from an all girls catholic school there, then moved to Austin to attend the University of Texas. Lived there until 1999 then moved to Houston. I have been a stay at home mom for several years to my three daughters. I am getting ready to graduate from nursing school in November. I would really like to find Christy Applegate class of 1992. Name: Doug Michelson 59' address: 1025 sierra vista dr #55 city state zip: Las Vegas, Nv 89169 Date Posted: 07/03/08 09:54:30 PDT Message: Looking for my buddies who missed a good reunion June 20-23,2008. We had a great cocktail party at the Doubletree resort. Maybe was 200 there from all years. We exchange stories and renewed friendships which have survived many years. See /pictures for details of what went on. Thanks for using this site and sending your email so that we have you on the list. Name: Barbara Hansen address: 9267 E Hillery Way city state zip: Scottsdale Date Posted: 05/24/08 22:38:46 PDT Message: To get a transcript of your time at Judson or for any transcript related thing write, email or call: Barbara Hansen BH Data Services 9267 E. Hillery Way Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: 480-614-1661 The fee for researching transcripts and processing and mailing is $15 per request. This includes an Official copy in a sealed envelope, either mailed direct to the college, school or university, or to the individual requesting it, as well as an unofficial copy to that person so they may have one for their personal record.
Name: Sally J. Neuhaus '60 address: 2532 CR. 278 city state zip: Somerville, Tx, 77879 Date Posted: 05/22/08 11:28:57 PDT Message: class of '60 Such warm fuzzy memories I have of my two years at Judson and the life long friends that I made there, Many of whom I still am still in-touch with. After leaving Judson I married, divorced after many years, and then went back to school and on to become a substance abuse counselor. I left Houston in the early 80's and moved to the country Somerville, Tx., to raise exotic birds and animals, of which I still do as well as a little counseling on the side. I have also looked for my roomates from Judson for many years, so Judy Johnston, Carolyn Grimm and Carol Anderson, if you're out there somewhere please give me a shout out. I send love and light to you all, keep on dancin', and thanks for the memories. Would love to hear from any of you! Peace and Joy, Sally Name: Sally J. Neuhaus address: 2532 CR. 278 city state zip: Somerville, Tx, 77879 Date Posted: 05/22/08 11:11:44 PDT Message: class of '60 Such warm fuzzy memories I have of my two years at Judson and the life long friends that I made there, Many of whom I still am still in-touch with. After leaving Judson I married, divorced after many years, and then went back to school and on to become a substance abuse counselor. I left Houston in the early 80's and moved to the country Somerville, Tx., to raise exotic birds and animals, of which I still do as well as a little counseling on the side. I have also looked for my roomates from Judson for many years, so Judy Johnston, Carolyn Grimm and Carol Anderson, if you're out there somewhere please give me a shout out. I send love and light to you all, keep on dancin', and thanks for the memories. Would love to hear from any of you! Peace and Joy, Sally Name: Christie Beszborn 1985 address: 7937 Shady Oaks Dr. city state zip: North Richland Hills, TX 76180 Date Posted: 04/10/08 08:57:14 PDT Message: Name: Dora Means Dirrman 1963 address: 5166 Knight Rd city state zip: Huron, Ohio 44839 Date Posted: 03/10/08 16:55:50 PDT Message: Name: Jeremy Streuli ( Would have graduated 2000) address: 13810 Tramview Rd. city state zip: Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Date Posted: 12/10/07 09:51:42 PST Message: Cell: 909-816-6311 Hey class of '00, Just seeing what's up with everybody. Hope all is well and life is going great. Hit me up! Name: Jim Reid: 1981 address: 2319 11th St. North #202 city state zip: Arlington Date Posted: 10/03/07 07:55:16 PDT Message: Im currently a flight attendant for United Airlines which will make it easier to make some reunions. To see what I did between Judson and United, see Name: 1980 address: 1600 Cornwall Lane city state zip: Newport Beach, CA 92660 Date Posted: 06/20/07 16:46:15 PDT Message: All is well here in N.B. Saw Mack Elam a few years ago and he is the same funny nice guy. Name: Stefan Youngs 1983 address: 427 Roosevelt Way city state zip: San Francisco, CA 94114 Date Posted: 06/19/07 09:38:49 PDT Message: I attended Judson for one school year, in eighth grade, 1982-83. It was a tremendous, enriching experience. I have many memories of playing soccer, softball and, of course, the amazing teachers such as Mr Luks. Wonderful classmates too. Miss all those 80's outfits! Living in San Francisco now, employed in software engineering for Apple Computer Inc. for 11 years. Graduated from University of Arizona. I collect vintage movie posters from the 1940's film noir. Drop me a line if you remember me! Name: Ramona Bekins ('80) address: 4490 Collwood Blvd. #4 city state zip: San Diego, Calif. 92115 Date Posted: 05/01/07 07:44:26 PDT Message: I'm sad to report that Henry WickIII, has passed away last April 28th. He was a great guy, he was loved by all, he will be missed. Send Condolences to:
Ramona Bekins cell:(619) 248-3518 Name: Ronna (McHugh) Lemasters 1986 address: 4742 Liberty rd S box 195 city state zip: Salem Oregon 97302 Date Posted: 01/16/07 11:47:00 PST Message: I went by Ronnie McHugh. I enjoyed my freshman 1983 and junior 1985 year there. I am looking for Leslie Robinson who attended in 1983. 503 999 2080 is my phone. Name: mike jordan 1972 email:SOCTHRANG.2006@YAHOO.COM address: 1521 EDEN ISLE BLVD APT 125 city state zip: ST PETERSBURG FL 33704 Date Posted: 12/15/06 15:14:33 PST Message: HI EVERYBODY MIKE JORDAN HERE FROM SUNNY ST PETERSBURG FL CANT WAIT FOR THE REUNION IN FEB 2008 I LOVED JUDSON AT FIRST I WAS HOME SICK BUT AFTER AWHILE I ADUSTED TO THE PLACE I REMEEMBER THE FRIDAY NITE MOVIES THAT WAS FUN . ALSO THE CONCHO MY FAVORITE AFTER HOURS PLACE TO EAT . I AM SAD TO HERE JUDSON CLOSED DOWN I WAS HEARTBROKEN WHEN I FOUND NOT TO MENTION SCHOKED. I GUESS ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AND END. HOWEVER THE MEMORIES WILL ALWAYS LAST I HOPE SOME OR MAYBE SOME CAN PUT TOGETHER A BOOK INCLUDING ALL THE JUDSON YEARS FROM 1928 TO THE LAST YEAR WE EXISTED INCLUDING PHOTOS OF JUDSON FROM THE BEGINING TO END. IT IS SAD TO SAY SOME IN MY CLASS HAVE PASSED AWAY ONE OF MY CLASS DIED IN A HANGGILIDING ACCIDENT. I CANT REMEMBER HIS NAME CAUSE I LOST MY YEARBOOK IN LATE 1970,S.IM SURE ALL OF US CAN RECALL THE DINING ROOM MY FAVORITE PLACE TO GO PRETTY GOOD FOOD. I MET MY FIRST REAL GIRLFRIEND THERE SARAH ALLISON I DONT KNOW IF SHE IS STILL IN TEXAS BUT I HOPE TO MEET SOME IN 2008 I HAVE NOT SEEN IN YEARS MY PHONE IS 727-551-9102 CALL FELLOW JUDSONITES GO COUGERS Name: 1971 address: 410 south Lincoln Street city state zip: Enid,Oklahoma 73703 Date Posted: 12/11/06 12:01:14 PST Message: Hi, My name is Jane Anne Morgan. I attended Judson during part of my Grade School and two years during High School. I loved The Wicks and all the teachers. My graduation year is 1971. I would love to hear from former school chums. If anyone knows anything about Michelle Nighberg, Chris Laycock, Caroline Seldon I woild love to know how to contact them. Name: Spiros G. Alvonellos (1977-1978) address: 205 Rio Pinar Dr city state zip: Warner Robins, GA 31088 Date Posted: 11/26/06 05:57:33 PST Message: This entry is an update to the one I made in 2004. I am so glad we have this site. All of us who attended Judson are better for it. I know it made a big impact in my success later on. I retired from the US Air Force after 24 years of active duty this June 06. I have now moved on in a new career (training development/instruction) for the #3 poultry processor in the US. I really enjoy teaching, I never realized it was a strong skill of mine until I did it for money! BTW, I am looking for people like Michael Herrington, Micah Meek, Vincent Luccarotti, John Gawf, Bobby Reagan, Brian Greene, Arturo Vega, Richard Berg, Adel Huraib (from saudi), Nelson Lowe and anyone else who was in Joseph Kies' dorm back in 78. Name: Jim Anway 1996 address: P.O. Box 1372 city state zip: Oracle, AZ 85623 Date Posted: 11/06/06 08:51:56 PST Message: I just wanted to say hello. I seen some familiar names on the guest book. I just got married a month ago and I am teaching 5th grade in Oracle. I hope everyone is doing well and to talk to you soon. Name: Megan Miller (Pollack) 1995 address: 308 South Clark Road #13 city state zip: Payson, AZ 85541 Date Posted: 10/21/06 09:03:53 PDT Message: Okay well it was good to see a few names I recognized. Although it has been a while since I have seen anyone form Judson aside from Pete, the old dorm counselor. Well lets see if anyone remembers me. I went there in 93, 94 and actually graduated in December of 94. My brother Jason and I both went to Judson. Jason & I and my parents all live in Payson, AZ. I met my husband Forrest here. He's just a good old boy from Payson; shoes horses and works for animal control. He is an amazing horse trainer. We have a beautiful son who just turned 2, Tyler Lee and a lovely stepdaughter Madison who is 3. She lives with her mom, but we all live in the same town so it really works out well. The kids adore each other, and we all get along. He told me 2 weeks after we met that he was going to marry me. The wierd thing was that I absolutely know without a shadow of doubt that he was right. We got married after knowing each other 2 1/2 months. Now we just celebrated our 3 year anniversary. God is definitely the heart and soul of this marriage. I am so blessed. We are sure a long way from our first million but we have all that we really need. I learned a lot from going to Judson. I wish I had done a better job of staying in touch. But I guess I had other priorities. Hope you are all doing well. I hear there will be a reunion. Forrest and I will do our best to be there in 08. Name: Dave Grifman - 1984 address: 5542 Lighthouse Lane city state zip: Palmdale, CA 93552 Date Posted: 10/02/06 22:57:28 PDT Message: Hello Judsonites, Took me awhile to find this site but it seems like a wonderful forum for our Judson comrades. Would love to hear from people during my tenure of 1980-1984. Let's see if this really works. My e-mail is Life is great and I hope yours is too. Have a fantastic day. Name: Natalie Corbett (Speicher) 1986 address: 3271 Sawtooth Court city state zip: Westlake Village, CA 91362 Date Posted: 08/15/06 19:45:56 PDT Message: I can't believe that it has been 20 years! Judson was a great experience for me. Can't wait to hear from you. Name: Amy Rapp 1982 address: 183 Electra Lake Road city state zip: Durango, Colorado 81301 Date Posted: 08/11/06 18:33:50 PDT Message: Been living on the mt by Purgatory Ski area for many, many years now. Gotta ski, ski, ski! Still playing tennis and think of all Phil Ormsby's 'tennis tips' that made me State Champ, when I play. Phil was the coolest of cool! Name: Shawna Blue ( VIllella) 1995 address: P.o. box 1382 city state zip: Lyman, Wa 98263 Date Posted: 08/02/06 11:22:20 PDT Message: Hi, Mika informed me of this site, Anyone else from sage dorm on here? I live in a tiny town in N.W. Washington, close to the San Juam Islands. Moved here in 2000, so sad to drive by Judson just McMansions now.... But they left the trees... I always think of Alpine what a special place that was, bears on campus, going to Catwalk-- if anyone knows driving directions I would love to have them--, Whenever I hear aspen trees I think of morning meeting... All the angst of teenage life in the seclusion of the mountians. I would love to hear from anyone. Name: Amanda Ransom address: 2054 micheal ln. city state zip: Pearland, Tx 77581 Date Posted: 07/30/06 10:12:11 PDT Message: home phone 281-997-2470 cell phone 713-478-5953, great site glad to see it up! Name: Lance Hunsicker - 85 address: Near Agoura city state zip: Oak Park, CA Date Posted: 06/14/06 07:07:51 PDT Message: For being a self proclaimed internet search guru, it took me long enough to find this site. I hate seeing all the activities I have missed out on. There looks to be enough mid 80's folks in So. Cal that we could probably throw one hell of a barbeque!
Remember the Concho, Mike Green in the Rec. Center, inter-tube water polo? I miss my soccer buddies when watching the World Cup. I'll never forget sneaking off campus with Dan Belding (regularly), and oh the childhood crushes.......
Anyone from 84 or 85 that would like to get together for and reminisce, the beer is on me! Name: David Dawkins '51 address: P. O. Box 17389 city state zip: Fountain Hills, AZ 85269 Date Posted: 06/09/06 16:04:52 PDT Message: Name: Stuyve Hamersley - - 1951 address: 6600 Leaning Bear Trail city state zip: Prescott, AZ, 86305 Date Posted: 06/09/06 15:22:17 PDT Message: Romance, let's see - - -last marriag (#3) at age 72! Name: benoliel address: 235 Puapihi St city state zip: Lahaina, 96761 Hi. Date Posted: 06/09/06 08:20:17 PDT Message: Name: O. Donald Benoliel address: 235 Puapihi St. city state zip: Lahaina, 96761 Hi. Date Posted: 06/09/06 07:55:34 PDT Message: At 75 I still hope to make it to a reunion one of these years, even though it will be unlikely that I will know anyone there with the exceptions of Henry (who I am sad to hear is not now active), and Hank, who may remember me as the kid who convinced him to pound the piano during study hall. I have been geting my poetry published lately and won 1st prize for work in the anthology, "Across the Long Bridge" (available on Amazon). Have just had an exhibition of my paintings here in Maui, and I continue my jazz music. Otherwise- I continue------! Name: test ofsecurityfor spam address: 3456 main st city state zip: Evanston, iL Date Posted: 06/05/06 20:25:27 PDT Message: this is a test of spam security on guestbook. Name: Pam Varian -63 address: 26793 N Iron CanyonRd city state zip: Canyon Country,CA 91387 Date Posted: 03/20/06 22:49:30 EST Message: I am in contact with Vicky Solinger,Kathy Gunn Lawrence, Sue Bargy Hurley, Barb Dow Dean, Chris Montgomery Demijohn, Dora Means Dirrman. Last yr several of us went on a Caribbean Cruise - had a blast. I am now semi retired from the Fed Govt. This is a great site - can you get rid of the ads? Name: Pam Varian address: 26793 N Iron CanyonRd city state zip: Canyon Country,CA 91387 Date Posted: 03/20/06 22:42:00 EST Message: cell 661-993-6166 SECOND GROUP OF NAMES: